Frequently Asked QuestionsIs Brandon Boscastle still alive?Absolutely yes. In The Seduction of an English Scoundrel, Brandon is believed to have been killed in Nepal. He is the youngest of the London Boscastles. The news of his murder brings about his father’s death and draws his unruly siblings together. At the moment Brandon is thought to be somewhere in England with Dominic’s brother. Are you going to write Brandon’s story?I hope to, but there’s no escaping that his past is dark and painful. Being a Boscastle, however, means that true and passionate love is in his future. He will come home. What happened to Books 10, 11, and 12 in the Boscastle series?The confusion about the order stems from when I switched publishers and we chose a different name for the series. Book 10 is A Duke’s Temptation, Book 11 is A Bride Unveiled, and Book 12 is The Duchess Diaries. Books 13 and 14, The Mistress Memoirs and The Countess Confessions, were released as the Boscastle Affairs Novels. What’s next?I’m working on the second book in the Fenwick Sisters Affairs. Can a writer do too much research?Yes. And no. I love research because I always find plot ideas in history. But there is a point at which a writer has to ask herself if she’s using research as an excuse not to write. It’s helpful when writing an outline to estimate how much research is required. I give myself two months to gather facts before I start a book. Inevitably, I hit an unforeseen snag in the story and have to consult my sources again. Research is essential and fascinating. But don’t use it to procrastinate. |
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